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High School Missing Classmates! |
Updated 7/2/15
Even though the 50th Reunion event has occured we continue to seek information on our classmates.
Are you one of these classmates?
Do you have contact information on any of these classmates?
If so, contact .
Mary Jean Ciocca (Janton?)
Bill Collins
Larry Feinberg
Glenn Gantz
Carol Gunn
Mary Hudson (Brooks?)
Isaac Johnson
Byron Jones
Judy Kaname
Jay Karloff
Linda Katz (Highton?)
Marsha Kroll Stern
Harry Levine
Margo Mallery (Ozanne?)
Dan Narcisi
Louis Orocofsky
Nanci Pliner
Joanne Roseberry
Ken Silvasy
Elizabeth Simons
Richard Singer
Kathleen Smith
Robin Smith
Wilma Stein
Linda Unger
Nancy Wasson
Mary Wright
Unconfirmed Contact Information
For the following Classmates, mail has not been returned, but we have not heard from any of these, so we don’t know if we have their correct addresses.
Please let us know if you have any information for anyone on this list.
Gary Abramson
Karen Ackerman
Jill Becker Singer
Steve Beifel
John Blaich
Phyllis Blechman (Langberg?)
John Briggs
Richard Brown
Alan Buerger
Nancy Coles (Reinish?)
Rebecca Cooper Waldman
Robert Cummins
Daniel Dailey
Earl Davis
Leonard Edelman
Mark Feigus
Charles Fleisher
Margaret Fowler
Pam Goldman (Rubinstein?)
Kenneth Green
Louis Guarini
Peter Heckman
Pat Hench (Smith?)
Gary Herlich
Steven Kalman
Charles Kaufmann
Richard M Kaufman
Bette Kiesling Joseph
Leana [Susan Klein] McClellan
Elly Kulick (Whittaker?)
Suellen Margolin Gordon
Genise Michaile Hasen
Carolyn Minette (McNulty?)
Paul Molnar
Maureen Naughton (Duffy?)
John Orban
Mary Perkins
Ron Petrik
Mark Potts
William Richards
Joyce Rosen
Susan Rosenthal (Landesberg?)
Douglas Rothaus
Lillian Sagredo
Richard Samuels
Ken Schaeffer
Barry Serviolo
Brian Silver
Bernice Sobel
Steve Sobelman
Terri Stenzler
Beatrice Stocker
Linda Tait (Laidley?)
Ray Theriault
Grant Warren