There is a new alumni group and website.
Alumni Association of Cheltenham High School
(updated 5/18)

The following Classmates attended the Mini-Re-Reunion

Emily Brecker Greenberg
Jody Greenberg
Joanne Sundheim
Stephen Setzman
Anne Balsam Davidson
Gail Hamberg Rosen
Robert Schaffer
Susan Gurman
Eilene Rinsky
Carol Ferleger Roth
Stephanie Phillips
Diane Young Fien
Sue Strauss Kestenbaum
Ricky Atherholt
Eileen Zakroff Davis
Bette Steinberg Qundry
Louis Rossman
Sandy Cain Omwake
Alan Maiter
Cliff Harze
Eric Simon
Debora Sloane
David Shaeffer
Alan Dion
Richard Bank
Ellen Green Sklaroff
Neil Sklaroff
Ed Landau
Richard Komins (Rick)
R. Jessica Carp Jones
Stuart Krasnoff
Barry Luber
Jean Lifter
Dorie Good
Arlene Fella Holtzman
Steven Benjamin
Chuck Sterne
Doug Kroll
Bill Uffner
Joe Jacovino
Jon Fox
Alan Candell
Andy Rubin

A Very Successfull CHS Class Of 1965
Mini-Re-Reunion Was Held On 5/11/16 As AFollow-Up
To Our 50th Reunion Event

6:30-10 PM
The Broad Axe Tavern,
901 W Butler Pike Ambler, PA 19002
Light Buffet Supper, Cash Bar

Questions? Email

Photographs of class groups that attended the 6/27/15 Reunion

CHS '65 Class Gift to CHS

The reunion committee is pleased to announce that our class has made a gift of a 3D printer to Cheltenham High School. Emmy Brecker contacted the CHS principal, found out that they really wanted this item, and she made all of the arrangements. This was made possible through a combination of "profits" from our large turnout (break-even was around 160, and we had 268 attendees – 195 classmates, 71 guests, and 2 former teachers), and classmate donations we didn't need to use for classmate financial aid. The gift was announced in the school district newsletter, and also appeared in the Times Chronicle (our local Cheltenham newspaper) this past week
Click here for more information and pictures of the unit being used.

Cheltenham High School
Class of 1965 - 50th Reunion
Page updated May 23, 2018 7:47 PM
The Reunion Was Held On
Saturday, June 27, 2015
6:30 pm to 11:30 pm

Crowne Plaza - King of Prussia

260 Mall Blvd King Of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406

Click Here for pictures taken by our photographer at the Reunion!

Click Here for pictures taken by our classmates at the informal Friday night gathering and at the reunion.


For questions, comments, or general information -

These forms were included in the invitation packet:
Information Sheet
Additonal Information Request
Assistance / Sponsorship Form

Website Sections


Click Here for more pictures from the Reunion"

The Planning Committee (Click Here for Sub-Committees)
Co-Coordinators - Ed Landau, Bert Filemyr

Emmy Brecker Greenberg
Chris Coupe Lozinak
Bob Cox
Arlene Fella Holtzman
Ken Forman
Jon Fox
Bob Gerhard
Dorie Good
Jody Greenberg

Carl Grossman
Nancy Guggenheim Berger
Susan Gurman
Gail Hamberg Rosen
Janet Johl Harmelin
Pat Jones Connolly
Eileen Kamison
Stephanie Phillips
Andy Rubin

David Schaffer
Bette Steinberg Quindry
Steve Setzman
Chuck Sterne
Sue Strauss Kestenbaum
Joanne Sundheim
Ann Wilson Turnoff
Diane Young Fien

We continue to seek current information on our classmates.
Click Here for the Current List of Missing Classmates
Please don't assume we have your current information!
There are two ways get us your information:
1. Send us an e-mail with your information.
Click Here for more information on this procedure.

2. Use the Class Contact website to provide the information on-line.
See below for more information, then Click Here for the Class Creator website

Even if you are "sure" we have your current information, please confirm by using one of the two methods above.
Direct all questions or comments to:

Information on our Class Creator Website
In order to provide a flexible on-line presence the Planning Committee is using a few CHS Class of 1965 specific web pages within the Class Creator product. Class Creator is a commercial website designed for the planning and execution of class reunions. While some reunions have used Class Creator site for 100% of their on-line presence, our class will only be using it as an auxiliary to this, our official website. Our official website provides us with a customizable web site that allows more flexibility in presenting information and better reflects our time at CHS.
After an individual registers with Class Creator, it can be used to input contact information, profiles, and pictures and then will generate a personal reunion webpage for you. You can also use Class Creator to message other members of the class who have chosen to register with that site. While classmates will use it in many ways, the Planning Committee is primarily interested at this time in using it as a convenient way for our classmates to provide and update contact information. While we encourage classmates to register at the Class Creator webpages, it is by no means mandatory. All notices related to the reunion will be posted here ( and thus where you are now is and will be your primary source of information.
Click Here to check out our Class Creator web pages.



Cheltenham High School Class of 1965 on Facebook
Cheltenham Alumni Association
Cheltenham High School at
Cheltenham High School Alumni on Facebook










